Less Money or Less Skill
We believe poor means people with less money or no money. What we forget to understand is that money can be earned through skill then if someone has less skill or no skill then he is poor. Seeing the developing nation, giving free education but part of people who are so called poor never pursue it and stay poor.
If you watch our forefather they toiled themselves to learn certain skills to bring the family out of poverty. They sacrifice themselves to see their children study and learn certain skills to live decently. People who fail to learn a skill and spend the entire earning are the people who carry a card called poor. If you see civil war tone countries it is the people who live inside not following proper education and try to go short-cut to take over guns to loot from the rich and government.
The riches are just 10-15 percent but 60 percent are middle-class. People who earn money and live according to their earnings. Spending 80% and saving 20% for the next generation. The first line sacrificed and followed strict rules in terms of spending and relieved their families from the concept of Poor. People who showed irresponsibility in living, turn into poor.
All poor are self made. If one generation of the family decided to bring them out of poverty then there will be no more poor in their generation.
Hence when you see poor people, it is not a curse but it is lazy and irresponsible of the present generation failing to take the challenge to come out of poverty.
Helping poor people by giving money will do no good to them, unless they decide to act on their poverty.