You cannot destroy that few percent to restore peace. Because, that entire few percentage of evil people cannot be easily traced in society. When you shot a few people from that group and they got immediately replaced by other people. There is invisible balance in the society. You cannot eradicate the Mafia coz If you remove one gang then another gang moves in.
I am driving my vehicle to the office. I found a lot of people never obey traffic rules and more people come on the wrong side, they show as if it is their right. And you think it is a disgusting world. No, If you watch closely that’s the way the world performs because there is no emotion to obey law in a primitive brain. it’s all belong to thinking brain ie. Conditioned mind. We never follow our conditioned mind throughout the day. And we too never follow some of the law in our day to day life. Hence the world performing perfectly and people who complain about the atrocity of the world never understood the behaviour of the world.
If you watch, whenever you are frustrated, it is because your perception is wrong towards this world. Some people cheat or violate because it is their nature you can’t change. If you keenly listen to the world there is no evil or good and everything is mad-made. Whatever is happening is happening for good. We human animals are like that, we all are selfish till we reach self sufficient. Once you become rich you want the world to be in order. Why?
You fear you may get looted.
In Politics, people encourage dirty politicians who want to exploit the world. The poor bad people badly wanted dirty politicians hence their crime never comes to light and never makes them guilty in terms of comparison to those politicians.
Every act or incident is perfectly right. Nothing wrong in this world and nothing can be changed ever because Evil got an excellent replacement to fill the space of missing. Hence we should live with evil people by not showing our true nature and wealth.
Be simple and fool them and that is the only way to avoid them.