When I was going for an interview for a promotion. My mom told me, If you pass there are new challenges and If you fail then the same style of life hence no need to worry. Both have one advantage hence just go and attend.
Another incident, when my bank was shut down and told the bank in moratorium that I can draw fixed sums only. I had a few lacs of my savings in that bank. It was shocking and went to mom. She told me one thing, those money you earned, not inherited hence you know how to earn again hence go and carry on your life. She insisted that she doesn’t want to hear about this matter again. My good time the bank resumed in a couple of weeks.
Seeing both incidents gave immense knowledge and experience about the function of the world. My mom studied only up to 10th grade but she got immense knowledge about the pattern of living. She knows loss and failure are nothing but an experience and ignore the pain and see the plus.
The loser has a lot of advantages. Suppose the man was doing less business then he has more time for his family. The person who lost money coz of his friends or in partnership, he became close to family. They look very real to him and he will spend more time and he lives very happily because he will come to know more money will not bring family in close.
Failure teaches us a lot of things but success doesn’t. Failure makes you walk inside to take note of you. Where you went wrong and it will help you to collect yourself for future assignments. Failure is the true way of understanding ourselves towards society. Failure is no failure actually a success, to know you for the first time.
Whether we are losers or winners doesn’t count. If you are not able to understand from the outcome.