The Master replied, “The search is Buddha.”
Buddha is not a destination but a process. There is nothing outside and everything inside. You dream everything outside, that’s why you are not able to find Buddha. Buddhahood can be attained by walking inside and you have to search inside.
The answer is in search and the search is the answer. We all want to find the answer why? because the answer is the destination. The answer is the end and the mind will go no further, you can windup. That’s why your mind always wants to know the answer even though there is no real question.
The younger monk was frustrated because he could not find Buddha. Actually he is a Buddha searching Buddha. You cannot find you outside but you can find real you, if you walk inside of you. No need to go to Himalaya to find silence. There is silence in you but you are afraid of such silence. That’s why as soon as you come home from the office you switch on the TV. What is pathetic for the same silence you are ready to travel to Himalaya. The stupidity trying to find a solution in every question. Just live in this moment then there is no question or answer. The question rises and gets cancelled by the answer. You are just the watcher.
If you sit quietly
you have this world but when you go to search outside, you forget you are searching for the one in you hence it will never be found…
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