Desire is an expression of the subconscious. We all have desire but we don’t know the birth of desire. The desire born out of submerged wishes. Some people want to become rich but some want fame. These things are hidden in them and when you ask them, they are going to tell you in the form of ambition.
The Behavioural Economist says, the desire should be supported with capacity to achieve. like demand should be supported with purchasing power. If you don’t have the capacity, the desire will be nothing but an illusion. Whether that is an illusion or desire we don’t know.
It’s more like
Does the ocean know its waves
Does waves know the ocean
Because both never met and never knew the origin of others. The waves are always in constant motion but the ocean stands still. Because of differences in their nature there is no possibility of knowing each other but certainly one cannot exist without the other.
There is a long gap between the agency and the agent. Our behaviour is directed by some agency and the gap was like ocean and waves, hence we don’t know whether we are part of the agency.
The desire is a form of agenda from the agency to carry out in the form of talent. And the origin whether this is from the subconscious or from outer. We all know the desire is a seed for our growth, then who planted the seed in us. Seeing our parents and teachers are seeding the desire in us.
Hence they are nothing but an agency directing ideas to be planted in and
we carry it subconsciously and later we try to become true.