How come leaders read the situation fast and help us. The leaders are not always born, there is innate talent in all of us to learn the pattern of life and the society. I have seen this in a first born child who immediately takes over the family burden when their bread winner dies. A woman takes the role of her deceased mother..
You would have watched closely the leader renounce the habit of selfishness, to control over the family or society. They carry out duties irrespective of criticism. Why are leaders criticized? It is one way of checking by society, whether he is really into public welfare or acting.
I have seen great leaders are born in poor families and their behaviour is little away from the usual life and devote their entire life to society. It made me think, whether the whole earth is a “Live Video Game” played by forefathers sitting on another planet and send some aliens to take cover in the human body to keep straight, whenever we encounter a problem. If you count the famous leaders either they are alone till death or married and have no childrens. The aliens in the human body just carry out necessary assignments to eliminate the evil and see the game of human life on earth to continue smoothly..
A thing is nothing but a transformed element. Every part is taken from the earth and all are living things in the thing. What we are told is, If anything moves are living things and others are non-living things. But every element has life on earth, some never react due to their properties. Some never change or react due to its nature, hence you can use them accordingly. I have heard my friend saying, “His vehicle got punctured as soon as he reached his home, the vehicle got repaired near to the mechanic shop..” What he means is that his vehicle is nothing but a part of him.
Yes, I do agree with him, sometimes things around us help us but we are not thankful for it. Every material you own, loves you including your shoes.
The term pets is very cruel, Why do we rate animals less than humans. I have read articles about people who help voice-less-animals. how he knows the animal has no voice. it is his illiteracy not able to understand the animal language. We always want animals to talk our language hence we understand them. Pathetic, You cannot treat animals below your par. Treat animals as animals. They are equal to you and they don’t want your sympathy. some people think, as if they are inferior to them.
Actually they are superior to humans, when they are born, immediately they go in search of food. We humans need help till we reach 14 years. The collective individuals as corporations want bailout during depression.The inferior animal is humans and we only need pets to compensate the relationship of another human.