We all are one and we live in each others
You take an individual anywhere in the world, he will be struggling. He looks normal from outside but when he is near, he is full of problems.
When we started living with others, we hurt each other knowingly and unknowingly. The hurt is getting marked in us. Our slate carries good and bad one. As we believe the good will bring good even bad will bring bad.
We tease others on races, appearance, behaviour, living, innocence..etc. Those curses are living in us and never evaporates. Once you insult your fellow humans, the pain in him is nothing but a pain inflicted in you as a whole. Feeling jealous is nothing but you feel jealous of you. You and World remain the same.
Have you ever watched you are constantly bombarded by accidental events to take away your happiness. Losing your husband or girlfriend, losing a good job, losing everything on a single event. Why? Karma
There is no karma when you know yourself. When you hurt someone, you are hurting you, The part of hurt is working against you. Whenever you take an assignment the hidden part of the hurt you did to others will act from within you to fail you. It sees you to make mistakes and puts you in trouble.
Your personal world would have experienced some poor people; they live as it comes, they’re beautiful people and they are above happiness and pain.
I met a man who had worked as a slave in a mine.. He was beaten unnecessarily even though he obeyed orders. He said he was tortured beyond tolerance. The time he decided to carry on without any resistance becomes a bliss. He merged one with the whole. He said, If someone beats him, he thinks he did that act on him. When he was given the best food, he thought he gave that one to him. Slowly he merged with the universe as one. he sleeps outside watching the Moon and the stars in the night are the only companions . They far away are only to escape from humans hands and the days are not far for man to destroy it.
He takes his life as a long single event and like in movies there are so many characters in a play, he believed his role of character which he involved with others as one. He and others are the same and all living inside of him.
His final advice,
Thinking others as outsider is an illusion.