The function of the universe?
Why then the term ‘purpose’ and ‘function’ comes to my mind?
What is consciousness?
No such thing as consciousness
What is purpose?
We are often advised the role of purpose in life. The purpose for our life is to see the continuation of society. You need to ask the purpose of your act before taking into doing anything except in the Army. The purpose is let you know the path of the act and the completion. If you are helped by someone, you ask what is his purpose to help him. Did you know him or he knows you for his help.
The asking of purpose will lead to intelligence. Hence, when you discuss the universe, you first question its purpose? Your purpose of coming to earth is accidental and you don’t have any purpose. That’s why we die whether we do fulfill our duties or not. The purpose of the universe is none.
It is simple, like a flower blossoming there is no purpose, The sun in the morning no purpose. you born, studied, married..etc has no purpose. The time you find a purpose, such a purpose moves on and makes you null and void. Hence you don’t have any purpose to be born in this world hence, please be silent asking purpose is not intelligent coz it can lead you to conditioned reply but If you search inside there is none. And none is the perfect answer for the purpose.
Function, you want to know the function in order to segmentation of priorities in your brain. The function helps to keep people or things in priority, the function can be asked to function in an emergency. Any invention has to carry a tag of its function otherwise we won’t understand the invention. Every organisation and every post has its function hence you can coordinate to executive such functions through them. The state never functions when the responsibility of functioning is not properly executed. The function belongs to this society but not to the universe. The universe remains the same whether you define with some function or ignore it totally. The definition of the function puts the object inside the definition box and never allows you to look outside unless a new mind is introduced.
The purpose and function are required to think ahead. The society cannot be run by a single person or single entity. It required everyone to contribute directly or indirectly to move the society to the next stage. Every individual was conditioned to ask for the purpose and function hence their thinking moved a bit farther and led us to the next stage.
Why are we forward to enquire about the purpose and function?
because of consciousness
What is consciousness?
If you watch closely the society treats you from the child to death by giving you consciousness in all of your activities and at the same time it makes that fall into unconsciousness.
Take Education, You cannot read with unconsciousness. Reading and Educating need consciousness. The activity that you learn and practice through consciousness will fall into unconsciousness. You read the newspaper consciously about corruption and slowly fall into unconsciousness to believe corruption is inevitable. Learning skills like cycling, martial arts, cooking, car driving…etc all man made activity requires consciousness first and later it will automatically move to the unconscious mind. Hence the survival of society as a whole or individual needs consciousness.
What is consciousness as a whole is nothing, when you move out of the concept of society, Your activity is made to believe in the division of consciousness and unconsciousness to understand the concept of purpose and function. Once you move a bit above the society. You move out consciousness and unconsciousness and there is nothing. both remain abyss. When society disappears, the term of consciousness and unconsciousness disappear. If you argue, being an animal is operated by unconsciousness then you still have a mind and you are still living inside the society.
In simple, Society brought the concept of the thinking mind, once you move out of society, your concept of thinking also moves out.
The whole understanding of the above is not in advising you to move out of society
but understanding the entire purpose and function of the society and staying inside the society is enlightenment
Seeing everything as ‘MAYA’ will help you to differentiate illusion vs reality in society
To understand Society vs Individual
Someone told me,
You are one of the components in a complex machine called society that only works if every component of an individual does exactly what its supposed to do in sync with the whole of the society. if you decide something without knowing what the other components are doing and simply going in your own way eventually the machine called society may fall into chaos…
You need society and society needs you and the entire condition of the society to make you fit by conditioning you. Understanding our conditioning and behaving accordingly will lead a better life in society..