There is no such thing as ‘you’ and ‘me’
There is no such thing as ‘Self’ and ‘I’
I came out of Religious Discourse, there was a lot of message about life..None is able to understand about life. Being too good is not life and being bad is not life either. Then what is life? Why so much problem in living so called life.
What we call life is just a perception of the mind. The concept of life is just pertaining to the mind to make it interesting to be part of an unsolved puzzle called ‘life’. Every couple is entering into a puzzle and finally fed up with the missing piece. The children, as we are, are not interested in the welfare of the parents and concentrating our children’s leaving the old parents in turmoil. You called such a pattern of living as ‘life’.
Life looks meaning less and there is no proper formula of getting fit into life and to live peacefully till death. Whenever I sat with the stranger, he confessed certain things about his life, which cannot be seen in any movies or read in fiction books. A lot of effort we devise for the smooth functioning of our life becomes waste due to an unknown small hole in life, draining our entire effort.
Then life is a perception, then who is ‘you’ and ‘others’. Yes, these are perceptions right. there is no you in you and there is no me in me. I cannot do whatever I want then there is no me in me and for you the same. Then we are like insects like bees?. No! Atleast, the queen bees control the entire function of the colony but we are controlled by many but we call ourself as independent. We are worse than the insect, the structure of society just gives an illusion as individuals but all our activities have to be coordinated with somebody to move.. There is no individual in me and somebody’s rules and regulation are directing me. Every activity is conditioned in me in order to execute me. And I find no you in you either, you remain one of the machines of the society. We all are pawns and useless in the process of illusion called life.
Then I walked into my room and closed my eyes. There is no self in me even ‘I’ in me. The illusion called ‘I’ as ego was there in the text and I cannot experience Ego but I can be a selfish coz of a primitive mind. The selfishness of mine was linked and manipulated as ego in me. There is no concept of ego, all our selfish activities are decorated by society education called Ego. There is no self in me. When I was conditioned as a citizen where I could find myself. The sage was advising to attain self, I entered in their archetype but found there is no term called ‘Self’. Like God even self is beyond the experience of the humans.
I just had a strange thought how the ‘I’ will disappear. If the world is destroyed by epidemic or Nuclear and
Fortunately, I alone escaped from such a disaster. None in the world is alive except me then
the term ‘I’ will disappears, why?
The concept of ‘I’ has a meaning only when there is the concept of ‘You’.