The Cosmos powerful weapon Karma

It’s nothing but cause and effect. The cause and effect apply both for good and as well as bad.

How Karma operates on LIFE. an example:

Suppose you are earning good income from present business but due to some reason you are telling around that you haven’t made money from business means Then the Cosmos operates on you through karma. What happens is…you lose the entire money earned through that business.

Can say, we are watched and controlled by Cosmos and regulated through karma. If you have an ambition the same will be conceived through karma. the whole universe acts on you to achieve your goal.

Karma is a series of events, once the Cause has initiated. A chain of reactions starts to happen till it comes to halt called Effect. If you started a business and you are very true to your customer from day one. The customer of yours will appreciate and recommend you through conversation and the communication of the good performance about you, it will float above and reach people who badly need your service.

IF you are in business, In your early stages, You would have experienced by receiving a phone call from the new customer from nowhere. Every action around you is connected and like a web of the world. The same will happen, if you cheat your customer, the opinion about you will reach new customers not to proceed with you and existing customers move away…

IF you read a newspaper about good or bad are net results of on-going karma. If a country/ state /family suffers, all because of their karma.

How to beat the karma.?

IF you are true to you then the karma cannot affect you. It’s more like if we are good and true to our family and the society nothing bad will happen. If bad stops happening then the opposite is good..

Who is God?


How does the Cosmos govern us ?

Through Karma

How does karma function?

Cause and Effect

What is Cause?Source

What is the effect?Result.