All this is for habitation by the Lord, whatsoever is the individual universe of movement in the universal motion. By that renounced thou shouldst enjoy; lust not after any man’s possession.
You are duel in you,
The one-you, live inside of you is the true you.
The other-you, live outside of you is conditioned-you.
You are always divided by these ‘Two-You’ coz both drag you in different directions.
To understand the very nature of ‘you’ is to move a little above to understand the overall nature of the universe and
why there are different universes rather than one and why? is the constant questioning happening inside of you and
how those universes function irrespective of a creator.
Here Upanishad walks in…. and speaks through a human without exposing his real name and identity. God speaks through man, that man communicates without adding his identity to those words because he is never aware where those thoughts and words originated while he communicates. When he spoke those golden words, he just acted as a medium to those words, which later fell into upanishad.
Upanishad is nothing but the GOD way of speaking through people about the truth of his existence.
Everyone should know that every living thing on earth is nothing but God. God lives through everyone of us and even different universes are not different coz it is just a manifestation one and another from the same source. Everything you see just comes under the one and only sources of God. Here God is not referred to any religion, it is referred to the beginning i.e. before something born out of nothing.
The moment of truth says Nothing belongs to you, Trying to own something will bring misery to life. The moment you try to hold onto something that will bring enough sorrow and pain are the unwritten aspects-of-nature.
The moment you renounce your holding, you move closer to nature that is nothing but God.
The moment you try to move closer to God, something happens to you……your-outer-you will move to inner-you. This merge merges-you to the universe and you become the universe and the universe becomes you.
That moves and That moves not;
That is far and the same is near;
That moves and That moves not;
Have you seen your mother treat you, still as a small child even when you reach 50plus years..
Why? The movement in you in the form of age will not add to the memory of your mother, the outer movement of your ageing will never create any impact on the inner mind of your mother.. Your movement will never move the perception of your mother. The mother sees you as a dependent child throughout her life and nothing will alter her behaviour towards you.
movement and non-movement belong to the mind. The perception of the mind will differ according to the given environment.
For example,
If we live in a solar system having two Suns.
hence there will not be any night
hence the time disappear
hence the concept of day disappear
Hence the concept of year disappears
Hence the ageing also disappears along with it.
Hence the mind only brings movement and non-movement to your thinking mind. There is no movement in reality but our thinking mind never accepts.
That is far and the same is near;
Last year you went for a pilgrimage and stayed for a month in a different temple city. Now this year you wanted to go but you know that you have to travel a minimum of 500 kilometer in outer to experience the same bliss. If you are wise just close your eyes now the entire temple you visited last year in your virtual mind and now the pilgrimage is not far off and it is near you in fact it is right-inside-you.
Nothing is far, nothing is near because far and near belongs to mind.