Intelligence is not permanent because the emotion, tension, fear can take away intelligence temporarily. One incident, people who live in villages could have experienced the situation like… Small birds like a sparrow sometimes flew into your house through the window and never knew how to get out. What we do, immediately we switch off the fan and take some cloth to wave it and guide the bird through the door or window. But the bird flew from one place to another inside our room because the bird lost its intelligence because of some strange thing it encountered in this world. Now the bird is experiencing the world as more as closed-nature to the one it has experienced to open-one. When you wait for a few minutes, the bird will regain its intelligence and fly through the window it came in.
Intelligence needs time to conceive from knowledge or experience.
Intelligence is the byproduct of your knowledge or experience.
Intelligent is not wisdom but it’s an art of application of your knowledge or experiences to the given situation or condition. Application of intelligence requires time and space e.g. the scientific Lab..