Someone will discover the truth that will white wash our entire wall of old knowledge and it leads you to new perception, may be called truth.
The author played the role of Copernicus
When Copernicus discovered the Sun is the center and Earth going around the Sun. It bombarded the entire old idea and moved us to a new one.
This book did the same when people were reading about behavioral economics and reached one sort of arrogance of knowing human nature revolving around Evil. Suddenly this book wipes out your previous knowledge and implants a new one about humans always too good to be missed.
I was so proud to read this book, this book emphasis everything will start good. when we are connected and reduce the distance to our so-called enemy.
The sympathy and empathy are relatively in our blood and we don’t know? why we are misled by some people…
Reading this book will enhance relationships with your neighbor and you will aware that getting coned occasionally is really good about knowing the true meaning of life..
The author played the role of Copernicus
When Copernicus discovered the Sun is the center and Earth going around the Sun. It bombarded the entire old idea and moved us to a new one.
This book did the same when people were reading about behavioral economics and reached one sort of arrogance of knowing human nature revolving around Evil. Suddenly this book wipes out your previous knowledge and implants a new one about humans always too good to be missed.
I was so proud to read this book, this book emphasis everything will start good. when we are connected and reduce the distance to our so-called enemy.
The sympathy and empathy are relatively in our blood and we don’t know? why we are misled by some people…
Reading this book will enhance relationships with your neighbor and you will aware that getting coned occasionally is really good about knowing the true meaning of life..