We always tend to believe that people working in intelligent department use different ways of thinking actually not. It is just an extension of critical thinking and moreover they listen to their enemy or event information with utmost care.
They know that most of their enemy’s information is false. hence they most of the time misinformed or the person will be Double-Agent.
This book tries to explain 10 methods of thinking. Actually you never get thrilled if you’re a watcher of spy movies or television spy serial coz most of the methods are covered, hence the book looks simply-outdated.

Book explains,
Spies have to practice a unique way of thinking.
They just listen to a given situation and they know their first perception always goes wrong.
Generally the event or person never disclose the real truth coz you always see through your linear mind.
Another important lesson is that every fact should support proper explanation and every prediction should support valid data. There is no such proper explanation and valid data unless you go through the process.
He lectures, we never know why we think in such a pattern and the patterns are nothing but our demons influences and based on that we jump into predetermined solutions.
You are always biased unknowingly and you’re flooded with deceptive information.
All these ideas are not new to readers
But still the events covered are explained neatly…