If you’re here, you don’t need to confirm yourself.
You are not here and you are not there either. We are nowhere actually; it is a dream that makes us believe that we are here and right in this place.
Actually, we are everywhere. When I see the painting and stand for a few minutes, there is a moment I entered into the painting to understand the truth behind such painting. When I watch Television sitting in the living room but still I can enter into the drama and be a part of it and able to feel the emotion. I’m here as well as there as well everywhere. The multi-task is more about we can present in a few works by staying in one place.
Here means that I’m everywhere. We are part of this world and also we are the world. We know what is happening in other parts of the world through our intuition but we never tune to listen because society made us concentrate to do hard work to meet our EMI on a due date. We have forgotten about knowing our future, how come some people foretell the future happening because they tune themselves to such frequencies.
If you try you can connect to future job, business, girlfriend, wife…etc