The whole understanding of events was that ‘I’ and the ‘object’ was present in Sense- Certainty not because we interpreted or defined between the essence and instance, between immediacy and mediation.
We take forward the understanding of Sense-Certainty without the interference of mind. An ancient man who was born in Desert and moved like a nomad when he came to see a mountain. He never saw the huge stone before, the moment he saw it, an awesome experience without previous memory, seeing the object as it is without naming it or comparing it, such experience is Sense-Certainty.
Hegel’s expression of Sense-Certainty was simple. it is more like a being or essence. Further he states the ‘object’ as other is there even when there is no subject of ‘I’.
The subject the knower comes into effect only when the object is present and at the same time, the ‘Object’ is there and very much there even when the subject is absent. In simple terms. The known is available without the knower but There is no knower in ‘I’ when the known is missing. Here the knower is ‘I’ and the known is ‘Object’