It is an arrangement with God. That God should stand far away from us and we too are not interested in being close with God. We all know when God is close to humans, he wants to obey his laws otherwise you will be kicked out of Eden. When God wanted to stay close to humans he told him what to do and what not to do. If you fail then there is no way you stay in God’s Paradise.
If you want to be close to God and if you still do what you want to do, then God may kill you coz in the case of Moses, who was close to God and once he was not obeying the law of God . God decided to kill him and his wife protected Moses by sacrificing the skin of her child to prevent Moses getting killed.
When we invented society, we knew the stories hence we didn’t want God to stay too close to man coz man carried hate. The hate is inborn coz when God accepted the Abel gift it made Cain to kill Abel. The birth of human evolution gave birth to hate and God too was not interested to punish Cain coz God loved humans to fight for him. That Cain was there in every human coz we are not from Adam and Eve coz they didn’t have navels. Hence our first forefather was Abel and Cain, because Abel died and we are from the line of Cain. He gave ‘hate’ as a legacy to every human and we execute such hate in the name of religion. We use caste and religion to release our hate by killing one another. And we construct Temples, churches,..etc to make God stay in the part of the society to witness killing.
From hate, prayer came. It is out of fear to get protection from fellow humans and also to stay distant from God to execute our hate at our will in the name of religion.