What is happiness?
Nobody can define happiness coz it differs for every one
I can define the causes of Unhappiness.
The moment you start comparing or competing with someone, the unhappiness walks-in.
The whole problem in living inside the society is to relate. You are conditioned to relate.
The moment you start entering the school, your progress report is nothing but your evaluation of the school for you to know about yourself and compare with your peers and compete.

Compare and compete is the watchword of the society;
without that the society cannot function.
You go to the office, your salary is your report card to compare and compete. The moment you walk out of the office to your home, your vehicle is your report card to compare and compete. The moment you stand in front of your house is the report card of your living status to compare and compete.
Society wants you to compare and compete coz then only you move in the ladder fo society by earning more in order to spend more.
The more you earn will result in more loans, more loans fuel economic growth.
So it’s society’s way of keeping in check with the syndrome, comparing & competing.
By keeping people unhappy the society moves smoothly.
Then what?
Now you know the moment you stop comparing and competing, you can invite the opposite called happiness..