you need to run.
Gap is a psychological term. The society created it as soon as you’re born to tell you to achieve a certain standard of life. First you have to attain academic qualification, that’s the first gap created by society in you. Hence you run to fill the gap. The gap can be filled only by education because to understand the man-made society you need the gap to be filled. Once you finish your academics, then to find the Job and you take part in all competition exams to excel to fit into a highly paid job. There is always a need to run to fill the gap which is created by society.
The value once taught to us and slowly gets modulated and you come to the end of your life that there is no way to fill the Present Gap. There is a term long back ” Generation Gap”. Every son has to learn from his father because his father is the only source of practical knowledge. A farmer’s son has to depend on his father for choosing a crop depending on the monsoon and to solve the problem arising out of the profession being agriculturist. The university came to help all sons to get rid of their father because the university can replace all the father’s knowledge and much more. Now father is no use. Even if your father is a scholar it is no use because what he read in university is no longer in your syllabus, all are out-dated and he is unfit to teach you because the education went beyond 20 years. The son who comes from the university never respects his father because he is far away from his father’s knowledge and he knows more than his father. Such Gap we called it “Generation Gap”
The present Gap we are trying to fill will not be useful for the future. Even your present savings will not be useful to the money value 30years from now. The Gap is an artificial and we are all running to fill. You know there is a woman in you but she is no more useful to give a son to you. Hence you need an outer woman to do so. The gap which makes you run behind a woman in the name of love. Once you are married then you know the gap is filled and another Gap is created to take care of them..
The Gap cannot be filled. As soon as you reach, it will extend a mile and if you reach again it will extend again. Your tiring effort will not give you any answer unless if you’re prepared to update daily and stand strong then, you can be the winner because you don’t need to run to fill the gap. The updation in you in your field will never create a Gap and the illusion of Gap will disappear,
If you feel no I can’t update, then run to fill the gap which is illusory…