if you have freedom, you won’t be there to appreciate it.”
We all want freedom but we don’t know, from where? we want to get freed?. The moment you are freed, The concept of you will disappear. You won’t be there to enjoy yours freedom. Why?
The concept of freedom belongs to civilization not to individuals. If you are alone in the forest did you feel freedom?. Freedom lives in society, not in us. If you are part of society, you think about so-called freedom. If you renounce, the desire for freedom disappears and you too. You won’t be there to enjoy the freedom.
If you move out of society then the memory is altered and no worries, no commitments, no family, nothing to prison you. The freedom comes with prison when the prison disappears, the freedom also disappears along with.
All our emotion and desire are by product of the structure of the society. The society taught us to get good grades, you compete and good job you compete, good house you earn or borrow, good wife and children’s you practice hypocrisy… as if we are too good and so on and on.
People who have the above things are they happy? No
They are chained to education and there is identity limited to their education, A good job prison you to the particular company, A good house is nothing but finding a nice prison, may be permanent by taking home loan. Family is nothing but chained.. People who are inside of these are looking for freedom.
If they move out, the freedom also moves out. They cannot enjoy freedom because freedom belongs to these commitments. Actually, this commitment breeds freedom.
why we all are chained to these circumstances and asked to dream about freedom. When there is no such term as freedom?
Am fed-up…