The book is more of a spiritual explanation in the common language through finite and infinite games.
We all know the world is ‘Maya’ but the world is not ‘Maya’, the society inside the world is Maya.
The author enlightens the single man’s life by explaining how it is played under finite games. Our life starts at school is finite coz when you finish 12standard, you are out of school and same in college, you’re out of college once you finish your degree. You’re not allowed to stay because the education game is played under finite games.
You will understand the entire functioning of society has finite games inside of infinite games.
Infinite games are games that have a continuous process and never end even if the player dies.
In simpler understanding,
Societies, Corporate, Religions continue even when the founders die.
The book was paved with golden nuggets and helped the reader to understand the entire function of the world.
Everyone who reads this book will mark this one as their favourite.
Re-reading will help to understand better and you can challenge your everyday problem better.