What happens when you find a few books of nectar in one book.
The book is full of facts which altered my perception and answered a lot of questions, which was suppressed inside me because everyone knows the same hypocrisy answer hence it is very difficult to get cleared. Here the author clears everyone queries..
The book answer the following
You always see two similar countries start at the same time and one becoming rich and another not.
You will find the answer here, a beautiful analysis of the United States Vs Argentina was mind blowing. How nations do mistakes without realising they are doing sin to their own country by adopting useless policy.
Why do some countries produce raw material and exports but at the same time import the finished goods of the same material. A real eye opening analysis of an economist, where they found the practical problem of such a nation to set up infrastructure or transportation of the same. It was such an interesting topic.
There is always a notion or myth that the middle east is rich in natural resources but why struggles in economy. This chapter enlightens the heavy deposit of natural resources is only a sin rather than blessed. Superb!
How religions influence the growth or disaster of the nation. An eye opening chapter everyone should read and understand the truth behind.
How lobbying pushes or pulls the nation. This chapter always answers so many hidden doubts and finally you agree, why good citizens are pawns in the hands of politicians.
How transportation and trade agreements influence the growth of a nation…..is more informative, hence you can choose which country is viable to do business.
Corruption is an interesting topic because India plays an important role in this chapter and it says we can’t blame the politicians but it is the mind of people and it also vouches that some corrupted countries have shown tremendous growth.
and much more….
Don’t miss this book even though the information is old but the concept behind the behaviour of every country is the same even today.