Maybe more experience, The happening of experience will never lead us to a goal but only amend our previous experience. We all learned that experience never leads us to victory but only helps to comfort us from the future disastrous. Every experience leads to another or more experience. In simple, the experience never leads us to happiness but not to fall into distress.
I learned a new experience from an anecdote:
Once upon a time, there was a good king. Once a murderer was brought into the court for the judgement. The king asked the minister to give their verdict. Everybody wanted him to die. The king has gone through the whole proceeding and he was a farmer and never had a criminal record. He is one of the true tax payers and has a good family. He finally said, “Leave him free!” The whole kingdom was shocked and even his queen.
When the king was relaxing, the queen came to him and told him “Lord! I am proud of you and now I have more respect for your power because Killing doesn’t require power but forgiving!”
Yes, It’s easy to kill your enemy but forgive him you need power. This was a beautiful experience when i read this anecdote. What experience teaches to be more sensible before making a decision. Past experience will not help you in future but can stand as a yardstick for choosing one,,
The beauty of being wise will never guarantee success but definitely it protects you from defeat. The more the experience. the more you become wise. If some one says I had a good experience then he will have some more in future. Once you become wise you will stop experiencing coz you fall in one with the whole. Experiences will happen to beginners and not to wise men.
Why do we experience it?
Simple, We all are conditioned. We never question our conditioning. We believe and follow blindly and it never works for everyone. No single size for all. hence when you slip, you call it Experience.