Events are what you find excess in happening.. What if someone knows the scenario behind every event and puts them in writing.
It is difficult to read like a book but if you have watched Slavoj Zizek videos then bring him before you and read it as if he is discoursing it. That’s the easy way to read his book.
He is so good at Hegel’s and Lacan’s philosophies and he knows how to bring in and interpret inside events.
If any happening surprises you and you never heard before, but he explains that event has a past or will connect to the past.
A beautiful explanation about universal Capitalism regarding Debtors and Creditors. When two countries sign a credit pack the country which offers the credit doesn’t want the borrowing country to repay. They love to dominate by giving debts and not interest in getting repaid. A new version about debtors and creditors was simply superb and that’s what happened to a country like Greece.
Filling review of some outstanding films which we have missed when we saw them as an entertainment.
He has a separate dimension, he alone can look at and narrate in his writing. I never knew socrates and plato whether existed but he should not be missed to remember along with them.
It is difficult to read like a book but if you have watched Slavoj Zizek videos then bring him before you and read it as if he is discoursing it. That’s the easy way to read his book.
He is so good at Hegel’s and Lacan’s philosophies and he knows how to bring in and interpret inside events.
If any happening surprises you and you never heard before, but he explains that event has a past or will connect to the past.
A beautiful explanation about universal Capitalism regarding Debtors and Creditors. When two countries sign a credit pack the country which offers the credit doesn’t want the borrowing country to repay. They love to dominate by giving debts and not interest in getting repaid. A new version about debtors and creditors was simply superb and that’s what happened to a country like Greece.
Filling review of some outstanding films which we have missed when we saw them as an entertainment.
He has a separate dimension, he alone can look at and narrate in his writing. I never knew socrates and plato whether existed but he should not be missed to remember along with them.