Sometimes we have heard abnormal things happen to perfect couples. What we see as perfection may not be such perfect when the energy in subconsciousness of them suddenly displays their imperfection and leads to divorce. If you are acting consciously or unconsciously about the perfection of a relationship without imperfection. The energy in the subconscious may try to test that relationship’s genuineness by Freudian Slip. The words that come out of one partner may fire the real truth between them and lead to separation.
The energy always leads us to the truth. Either towards career or towards genuine relationships. It happens in our day to day life. When you think yourself high and inflate your image to the height of the sky. Suddenly an incident will bring you down to earth. The energy just makes you whole by bringing you down. The same in friendship an artificial superfluous friendship will suddenly go nothing when encountered a real truth. The energy always underneath of every activity that is, it will remain in subconscious once you start the activity and it will supply enough energy to achieve and also bring disturbance.. The disturbance comes from subconscious in everybody’s life if we forget to be aware of the reverse side of the event and think only positive outcomes.
I have seen one friend living nearby who had a job loss due to recession. He immediately started to do some pending household work of his house and gardening everyday till he got another job in a couple of weeks. The energy in house supplied to occupy him to do some work and keep his mind busy till… What was really interesting was the house had the energy to safeguard its owner by not falling into depression.
If you see depressed people they are carrying different forms of energy supplied by pain. You cannot act as if you are painful and depressed for a long time because only real pain in the subconscious mind can supply enough energy to a person to feel depressed for a long period of time till he understands the other side of the truth of that incidence.
There is no good energy and bad energy. All energy is energy and will supply and support to do the activity to your best!