When society trying to shape inside Civilization,
The first concept of education was brought, in the form of school. when school doesn’t carry proper definition its was ransacked by people as a disturbance to society. It was believed by Religious people that “Knowledge was Evil”.
The evolution of children ran pathetically because they are not recognized in the initial pace of society. They never appeared in any form in the concept of society. They never even identified in Painting. The concept of childhood is small and soon at the age of 9-10 they fall into adulthood.
An analysis was done. Why education was not attractive to people. The answer was found. It was not a part of the structure of society and merely visualized as knowledge. Then the Scholars decide to bring the education into the structure of the society passing a judgment, that education can lead to a job in government and Slowly, it was made a prerequisite for employment. Now the education attracted all people but some of the population didn’t pursue and remained as professionals like Farmers, Carpenters, Masons,..etc. To some it gave birth to the expansion of Childhood. And,later society had an immense benefit because of the educational reforms.
Education pattern always fixed,
Students should read and do subject and store in mind and call on demand.The education will give 20% smart and 60% average and 20% below average. The average level changes every 10 years. Average level is measured by marks started from 50% before.and Now, 75-80% score in subjects called average.Why we hate the present education system. We strongly believe 20% of people raised by marks/grades in education get into best college and others are deprived of such opportunities. But it’s not the top 20% enter due to education system. It’s the structure of the society to be blamed.
Example if you play trade, at last the money goes to only one person. Similarly, If 100 people are given the same education and job opportunities, Finally 20% will reach the top ladder immediately by talent and Remaining will reach but only by experience.
Hence, we should blame the structure of society not education.Some scholars protested the changes in pattern of education and never succeeded.
One Reason, if anything goes well cannot be changed. Though changes bring progress, but So far the world is 90% peaceful because of present pattern of education.
Why risk ourselves and the world?