Maybe the soul is happier in experiencing excess happiness. Why?
We still feel that we are imprisoned in the body even though we call it life. There is no real happiness in life because happiness is a man-made concept. Ecstasy may be a real thing which makes us really happy and feel of being in this body.
Actually, we are never happy. That’s why we need a diversion called society. We create rules and regulations to become happy. If you watch carefully all the laws of society are to restrict us and by rebelling you to find a kind of relief. There are so many forbidden pleasures but Do it discreetly. Prohibiting something allows the citizen to enjoy discreetly can bring ecstasy in them.
We love to be imprisoned, that’s why we created marriage. The life in marriage is hell but sometimes you feel ecstasy and that makes you want to continue in marriage. Children make you feel ecstasy because they came out of us and their presence brings a lot of happiness and if they do perform a little better we feel ecstasy.
The concept of society is to have a border and try to find some uniqueness to happen inside the society by surprise. Sometimes food can bring you ecstasy, your girlfriend brings ecstasy, your children bring ecstasy but it happens rarely hence it was a special moment in our memories. If you retire you feel the prison in you and it is too late to come out. We lost our energy in acting as a good samaritan. Being a good samaritan is to feel ecstasy at will but it never produces coz being good never brings ecstasy.
The more we are perfect the more we lose in experiencing ecstasy.