
We know about two valued orientations like Good or Bad. Why do some people use expressions like very good, very very good. too good..etc. See word ‘Good’ is the expression of Good, anything other than will be inferior to Good. There is no term like very good or very very good. Even expressed then it will be less than good or near to good. E.g If someone uses very very good means that he tries to mean is one is closer to Good.
In Simple terms, the word Good has a marking of 100% and any adding to the word ‘Good” may be less than Good.

I was with a lawyer, he was telling how the law gets amended. We discussed the whole making of law and understood the present law has a flaw coz if you do a crime and no one knows or reports then you are not punished hence it will be considered as good as…Unless and until someone complains, it will be considered bad and punished under the law of society. If something you did discreetly then if no one knows about the events is as equal as good….Pathetic Right

I have seen people who are never aware of their own mistakes but point out others. Their whole behaviour is stuffed with such bias. I went to meet such a person in his office. He said, “he wants to have lunch with me in a little-far-of-restaurant” and he is searching for his Key though it is lying in front of him. Watching his behaviour closely his habits reflects in his behaviour. 

The limited exists in unlimited and vice versa. A person coming out of college has a potential of earning unlimited but he chooses to be salaried then he is opting to have limited income from unlimited opportunity. Another person chooses unlimited earning from limited income by taking an agency of insurance advisor, his percentage of commission is limited on each policy but he can earn unlimited income by selling more policy. here unlimited in limited.
Then what?
Choose your options!