I have seen my colleague telling, ” I’m not interested in asking for a pay increase because our Boss will definitely say ‘No’..”
Great, See Now, you are not only afraid to ask as well as you are taking the decision of your Boss also… Right
Let go and ask your demand and let him say “No’ to you. Don’t do the role of both in the decision making. If he has said, ‘No” then okay, Suppose if he had said ‘Yes” then you would have missed that opportunity.
Decisions are always made by you and must wait for others to decide from their end. This will end in smart decision making. Hence don’t put your intelligence in someone’s decision making.
Decision means you are anticipating a future event to fall into your concept called mind. The mind cannot influence future events even though we tend to believe the statistics of the mind while making decisions. Most of the decisions are dominated by our perception before it is sent to the decision module in our mind. We don’t know we all are biased on every decision making coz we decided the outcome before going into decision.
The best mind will wait before and after making a decision. The decision needs preparation as well as incubation period. We all know we are connected through magnetic fields and every action will affect others actions and outcome. You posted a decision and let it process to reach your end result. till then wait…