Whether Marriage is a Sin or Blessed?
When humans decide to live in a tribe, they want to live in peace by creating a concept called Relationship. The relationship gave birth to “the concept of marriage”. Generally, animals tend to pick up mates who are physically attractive and healthy. They never mate with the sick because they are worried about their healthy offspring, But when man created a society, he wanted to give every opportunity to every human. Hence there will be no chaos in the development of the society. He created a concept called marriage but he didn’t know it’s an unhealthy way of bringing up a society. A sick and psychotic person will give birth to another of the same kind and make a society as a mundane. You never see such kind of unhealthiness in any other Animal Kingdom.
The marriage was created based on the collective nature of the society. Suppose, when a couple is married then they will function under the collective nature of the society only and not of an individual nature. The whole behaviour of the couple will be either copied or advised by the law of society. This was followed by every couple in the society in an unconscious way. Suppose any problem that arises out of a couple will be solved under the collective nature of the society under the law of marriage act. .
Now, this concept ensures the right of everyone to get married and also by protecting one should marry only once and to marry second time, he should have to undergo the specific process of the society even if he is “Super Fit”. This was totally absent in other animals. If you watch the evolution of animals, humans were the last, that is ‘Homo Sapiens’ was the last development in the process of Evolution. From man there is no further evolution due to the process adopted by humans in the name of society.
But one relief, he also provided an exception to the term called “Divorce” as an exit. If you watch carefully, It was even initiated by the couple who were in the relationship for a few years in the name of ‘Love” and got married. The selection process in love is a kind of fulfillment in what’s missing in one that will try to fulfill by others. The character of an introvert will love to marry the character of an extrovert. They live happily together for one decade then the misunderstanding comes to find there is no such thing as common in between. They repent for the mistake they committed in the name of marriage and move for a split.
There are several disadvantages in the concept of marriage because they are not created with an understanding of the psychological nature of individuals but under the collective nature of society.