Simple you life going to be tough coz you’re moving into a higher form of studies….Right
The beginning is the signal to you that your life needs extra effort to face upcoming challenges. The entrance will be tougher and will tell you the forthcoming strain in the process of your goal. We are not easily walked on to this earth. We had a life-and-death struggle when we came out of our mother during birth is a signal to you. An understanding of your life is never going to be easy and smooth.
Every now and then you may face the birth-out pain in this world.
We never arrived at this world in the beginning hence we don’t know the initial behaviour of this world. We came to his world in the middle and tried to figure out what our parents and grandparents said and learned the pattern of this world. The beauty is, they too don’t know about this world because they too have come in the middle. Hence to understand this world is tough and the information given to us may not be 100% true.
Every birth gives immense pain to mother and child. The pain of the birth of a child is forgotten in the process because there is no thinking mind, hence no memory in the beginning to record and feel the pain later. It was pushed into the subconscious. Every time you face some setbacks and disappointment, how you are able to overcome it due to the birth pain unconsciously compares and suppresses the current pain as less.. You know, you would have experienced about your mother. She is more tolerant to the every day pain than your grown sister. We never know how we come across certain disappointment, may be all due to birth pain.
We came through a narrow path by getting squeezed and then standing against the most horrible pain in our life. Our mind unconsciously compares and pushes every pain to the subconscious in order to have better tomorrow in the name of hope.
Why the world is always mysterious to us coz we have arrived like a police officer who arrived late to the crime scene and struggling to get the clue and just move on with the available resources and accusing a wrong person for murder.
The whole process was continuing in our life in the same format. Hence our life is always incomplete without details about the initial behaviour of our present world.
We should know this and live with awareness by not getting caught with our conditioned words.
Finally, No one knows why they came into this world, hence live on till…
No matter if some one searches for his necessary thing,
therefore he/she wishes to be available that in detail, so that thing is maintained over here.