Competition is nothing, but looking for some external factor to drive you, People who have strong self will not depend on competition to rise. Generally, people who practice competition have reached the top of the world, stayed as rich, but also carried enormous amounts of guilt and finally, some of them took refuge in donating their earnings to the charities. The competition lover finds their life miserable, once they become old. They all experienced a kind of big hole inside of them because their nature of movement of life depended on external factors. Initially, the competition, which has given a special kind of energy to reach their goal and the same, has made them feel weak and empty.
Nature has provided enough ability to every living being to survive. Let me share my interesting read, the modern pronghorn (antelope of North America) always presents a puzzle to us because it can run faster than 55 mph, and its immediate predators like wolves and Coyotes barely break 30–35 mps, then the question arises. Why do pronghorns evolve at such speed? It was later understood, one hundred thousand years ago, they found dangerous predators like the dire Wolf, short faced Bear and sabre-toothed Cat, each of them can run much faster than the modern predator. But all died out due the quaternary extinction events just before the first human colonized the continent. So, nature provided everything with reason, if you create an illusion of competition in every walk of life, then the net result will be disappointment. So instead of depending on external factors we better to develop ourselves in small phases.
To develop SELF, we can use competition in the beginning and once the flow is created then we can switch over to strengthening our SELF..