The Indian King Asoka was well known to the world for his efforts to spread Buddhism all over Asia. If you watch closely it was a compensatory act for the killing of more than one hundred thousand people in the Kalinga War. We become good once the guilt arises out of past acts. The guilt always creates a big hole and you try to fill it with good acts but the psychology of the human mind will function in different ways. The bad and good cannot be balanced. The bad and good belong to different modules of the brain. Then why do you compensate for being good coz while doing good the bad you did in the past was pushed to the subconscious mind. Temporarily, you feel peace and practicing the good will push the bad even deeper. This kind of act falls into the concept of hypocrisy. Now, we understand the king Asoka transformation of being good was an act of compensation.
We have read the birth of our heroes. Most heroes have the same scenario of birth; they are born to a virgin mother or without a legal father. If you watch closely such heroes always do good and even give their life doing salvage acts or while slaying the dragon. The message is simple: they are cursed and insulted by society throughout their life hence they acted good to compensate for their illegitimate birth.
Few years back. I attended a funeral of my far relative mother’s death. After the death of his mother, he was doing good charity work and giving food to birds in the morning in the name of his mother. I know him because he spoke to me on his mother’s death. He wanted to keep his mother like a queen and wanted to give all luxury and stay with her till her death. But actually the truth is he stayed away and avoided her, lived in another state, never visited his mom even once in a year and never communicated to her about asking her health. Now he does charity in the name of mother. We all know it is nothing but an act of compensation to fill the hole of guilt. And it will never get filled and he is going to suffer till his death even though he was surrounded by the world.
Our life is full of compensatory acts and we think nobody knows about us.
Here is an incident,
There was a group of scientists who entered Indonesia Island to study monkeys. They selected a team of monkeys and gave training by asking them to wash the potatoes in the back waters before eating. It helps the monkey not only to eat clean but also add some salt to the one they are eating. It all started when one monkey got trained and became contagious to all other monkeys in the team and every more shocking the habit was spread to the other island even though there is no way any one of the monkeys from the selected team would have traveled. Even this act of washing and eating was found in other countries’ monkeys.
There is a morphic field which connects the entire universe. In simple terms we all are connected to the centre. Every new act will be transmitted to the centre and the centre will communicate to the peripherals. You have read an invention happen in one part of the world and immediately you find the same product in all other countries. It was spread just from that idea. The idea alone is enough for us to connect to the centre to know the formula for the invention. You don’t need to steal coz we are all shared by the centre.
Now we know every act of us will be known to others not only as an invention but also our compensatory act..