Yes it is Karma…but
We all know when we see an incident and immediately go to the cause. The effect will lead to the cause. Even if you carefully correct the mode of cause still the effect repeats. Example Road Accident. They make a hell of a study on Road Accidents and the measures taken to reduce the accident but it never gets reduced but it may look reduced in the first year. In the subsequent year again the toll equals the highest. Why?
Our college teaches, “to reach the target you have to plan”
“Patience in planning
impatience in execution does wonders”
but it never is.
We follow the cause and effect in all forms of life. We see the effect and go back to see the cause and apply the cause as planning and the effect as target. what we forget to note the cause you identified was never the cause for the effect. the effect is independent and the cause is relatable but not the source for the effect.
But in real life, we do our assignment by taking ’cause’ as planning to achieve our desired result i.e. ‘effect’.
Something happened that looks like it leads to a cause but the actual cause is something else. Out of 100 business started only one is very successful. It is not poor planning but expectation of the effect that is the net result for success is poor.
You started your business and it leads to success. What you do is immediately you call the world and write your autobiography and what leads to what. If someone follows, it will be utter failure. The whole problem is we take successful enterprises,by taking their success and what leads to their cause (planning) and use that as a planning theory for others to follow.
There is no connection between the cause and effect. If you start from a ’cause’ but it will never take you to success. The atom bomb brought down the Japanese to surrender but when American used more powerful bombs. they used 10 times more powerful than atom bombs and also used ‘Agent Orange Gas’ but it miserably failed in bringing down the Vietnamese. Why the cause worked in Japan and never worked in Vietnam. Hence following backward from the previous effect to the previous cause makes you a universal fool.
Hence there is no connection between cause and effect, The cause is independent and the effect is independent but it may look both follows one another and one leads to the other. Actually Not!