10 Percent

10 Percent

10 Percent There is always 10% in us which disturbs the other 90% of life in the society You are starting every day to work. You are driving a car and suddenly someone is driving a bike on the wrong side of the road. You’re getting angry and disturbed. On the...


Secret Secrets are no more a Secret If you know it… What is the real secret? In childhood, someone from your circle may be a good neighbor or relative who abused you but you were never aware. Something you never noticed and never occurred twice to you coz...


Society The concept of society was invented with little knowledge.Society is safe but not 100%. We know very little about our society as like we know very little about us. Society is not full of chaos but ignorance leads to such chaos. Once the system is established...


Doubt Doubt is a sign of surrender to you Doubt arises when something falls outside, to your pattern of thinking. Doubt is a good source to everyone coz it caution us when something falls outside of our control of life. We doubt not out of an intelligent mind but out...
God is not available

God is not available

God is not available God sees things that happen inside of human civilization as normal.Hence there is no immediate punishment for wrong doing. The concept of money, wealth, character, moral..etc are applicable to humans who live inside the concept of society and not...


Divorcee Divorce is a curse to Women. If she has a child.. On Divorce day, she moves out with her children, it reduces her future happiness because no one is going to take her with her kid. See, what happens when such a woman falls in love and any calls from the...