by anandavelu_admin | Jan 3, 2021 | Latest Post
Suicide.. Why Suicide? The flaw in the mechanism of death. For birth, a man has to wait for 9 plus months but death happens in a matter of seconds. Why don’t we all be programmed to follow a period in reaching death. In Simple, That humans cannot take their...
by anandavelu_admin | Dec 31, 2020 | Latest Post
New Year A new year always brought new things to our life! 365 Days of new experiences, new memories, a new you. but you forget to look at the beautiful (in)side of you, the truth of your development. We always look outside for our growth. The past one year, you aged...
by anandavelu_admin | Dec 30, 2020 | Latest Post
Thoughts.. Birth and Death My friend got admitted for illness, the rear side of the hospital has a graveyard. If you stare for a few minutes, you will come to know the birth and death. Both birth and death are known to man on birth but forget to look into the date of...
by anandavelu_admin | Dec 26, 2020 | Latest Post
Nostalgic.. Seeing Four Seeing three Seeing two Seeing as one Nothing special Portals Two decades back, Friends Four of us went on a vacation, We took a few photos and in one photo all four of us were standing behind the waterfalls. Today while cleaning I got to see...
by anandavelu_admin | Dec 26, 2020 | Latest Post
The Path.. Seeing requires a perception plus awareness “Not seeing” is without either If you are aware, you are connected to your mind. Awareness is living in ‘Now”. The moment awareness comes in. The concept of ‘Now” also in. The moment of...
by anandavelu_admin | Dec 25, 2020 | Latest Post
Language If someone says something mean to you in a foreign language are you offended? How language replaced humans in understanding. The language is convenient for communication but now language has replaced humans. We don’t like some language even though it...
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