

Knowing28 Why we fail to understand the role of step-mother in Cinderella Story? Any woman in the world wants to marry a bachelor but due to circumstances, sometimes she may be forced to marry a married man.. Every woman wants to marry a guy who is fresh and first to...


Knowing27 The Sound of one hand clapping! You have to use both hands to create a sound of clap. It is the same as you need a musician and musical instrument to create a music. The musician should use the instrument to create the music. Without the musician there is no...


Knowing26 Universe doesn’t have a balance sheet. There is no liability when you enter the universe,  It never wanted anything from you to stay in its liability. You’re an unwanted guest but allowed you to stay as a vacationer. But you misunderstood your...


Knowing25 Why someone should say, “I love you”.  When you say this. You become the subject and she becomes the object and the love will become trading. Is it good to say ‘I love you’. Actually not, it is a conditioned word. You always want to...


Knowing24 I was asked to wait in the reception for a few hours for my friend’s operation in a hospital. I met a gentleman whose wife and daughter met with an accident and they were in ICU. It just started, I made myself, just listen to him because he wanted to...


Knowing23 How do you see a life sacrificed by someone?  It is an extension of a sacrificed person’s life to live in others. They live with others after their death. It would have strongly believed his soul would get merged with.   Sacrificing one’s life...