by anandavelu_admin | Aug 2, 2022 | Books
The Freelance Way If you are a freelancer and you started to read this book, you will have a shock to find that freelancing has a different structure of business and it is totally different from the other forms of business. In freelancing you cannot apply the...
by anandavelu_admin | Jul 25, 2022 | Books
How Spies Think We always tend to believe that people working in intelligent department use different ways of thinking actually not. It is just an extension of critical thinking and moreover they listen to their enemy or event information with utmost care.They know...
by anandavelu_admin | Jul 16, 2022 | Books
Living Your Unlived Life We always expect someone to fulfill our wishes but they bring disappointment. We expect children to put their best efforts into our untouched ideas but they fail. We always wanted our spouse to fill our unlived portion and also expect our...
by anandavelu_admin | Jul 11, 2022 | Books
Think Again Not a great topic to get convinced. The ideas have very little interest when discussed. The author was trying to bring a lot of stories though interesting but that is not enough for the reader to take away. The author is very famous for his first book...
by anandavelu_admin | Jul 4, 2022 | Books
Finite and Infinite Games The book is more of a spiritual explanation in the common language through finite and infinite games. We all know the world is ‘Maya’ but the world is not ‘Maya’, the society inside the world is Maya. The author...
by anandavelu_admin | Jun 30, 2022 | Books
Trouble in Paradise It’s more of a political commentary but with a lot of unique interpretations of the present problem of capitalism. He covers almost all the global crises and explains the truth behind such crises. No one can interpret like Zizek because he...
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