Mysteries of the Universe

Mysteries of the Universe

Mysteries of the Universe Some books can sing a lullaby and this book will do.. This book is more of a night read because it’s about the cosmos. Open your window or sit in the balcony reading this book, will definitely give an immense pleasure.   It was written...
Attention Seeking

Attention Seeking

Attention Seeking This book tells us We never know why we seek attention?  There is a complex nature in everyone in terms of attention.  There is a problem in selecting our attention. The moment you decide to give attention, the unattended becomes more important to...
Outgrowing God

Outgrowing God

Outgrowing God The moment you move into space, you know your concept of belief called ‘heaven’ is just a myth. I’m standing on my own leg concept getting defeated because Even your Earth is not standing, just floating on space.   Every Religious-Myth...
How To Think

How To Think

How To Think What is this book all about? Your memory is not yours.   Your present memories are more of an edited one. The recalling experiences will not be the same as the one you experienced before…if someone reveals to you the same experience, it will be...
The Freelance Way

The Freelance Way

The Freelance Way If you are a freelancer and you started to read this book, you will have a shock to find that freelancing has a different structure of business and it is totally different from the other forms of business. In freelancing you cannot apply the...
How Spies Think

How Spies Think

How Spies Think We always tend to believe that people working in intelligent department use different ways of thinking actually not. It is just an extension of critical thinking and moreover they listen to their enemy or event information with utmost care.They know...