by anandavelu_admin | Sep 18, 2020 | Books
Origin Story This book gives some meaning to life.You will come to know the universe is formed from a single atom, big bang, black hole, supernova..etcHow single cells grow to multiple cell organisms.How the evolution of humans and their mode of survival.How...
by anandavelu_admin | Sep 17, 2020 | Books
Women Who Run With The Wolves What to say?? a fantastic bookI always carried a doubt.. How these women are able to carry themselves so bravely in this cut throat world. Now, this book enlightened me… from the ancient world women always carried messages in...
by anandavelu_admin | Sep 16, 2020 | Books
The Changing Mind Amazing!It’s more like taking a course on “Ageing Well”.You will understand your life starting like a Titanic Ship and sink in your old age.A blind truth may hurt but you can learn it with in depth knowledge about old age diseases,...
by anandavelu_admin | Sep 7, 2020 | Books
A Chorus of Stones hmm..You have to read few hundred books to come across a pearl like this..Is it a poetry or fiction or non fiction or explaining the reality in prominent people or portraying the real incident in true way or evaluating self portrait or a science...
by anandavelu_admin | Sep 7, 2020 | Books
Smartcuts The author emphasis us to switch from linear thinking was mind blowing.when you taste success through linear ladder way, it will bring sense of success not like when you switch ladder.The author make you understand the switch was always available unless/...
by anandavelu_admin | Sep 7, 2020 | Books
Shortcut This book is really a masterpiece,Every invention and ideas are originated from analog.I never read a book more precise with clear explanation about analog.The presentation and the invention discussed are amazing!this book guide how you to take a clue and...
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