Object-Oriented Ontology

Object-Oriented Ontology

Object-Oriented Ontology When you come across a unique book, you always appreciate yourself for finding such book and read slowly to understand the book completely. But, this book never allows you to understand fully (like a woman) and at least you have to visit few...
The Field

The Field

The Field Some books have immense knowledge but if not widely read, it is difficult to read by a new reader. Why? Due to the Morphic field. We all share our reading to universal memory. When the book is widely read by readers then the same book will be read easily by...


Thinking The Title may look, oh! one more book about thinking. But you see a few brilliant minds inside. If you go into such kinds of books. Normally it will not be interesting because all the participants are great authors hence instead of declaring new ideas in...


Event Events are what you find excess in happening.. What if someone knows the scenario behind every event and puts them in writing. It is difficult to read like a book but if you have watched Slavoj Zizek videos then bring him before you and read it as if he is...
Unforbidden Pleasures

Unforbidden Pleasures

Unforbidden Pleasures Unforbidden Pleasure is not an interesting topic for an author to excel in writing. The book was so challenging in reading but it delivers some unknown things like.. The takeaway  The forbidden pleasure keeps us different from ourselves; but the...
Myths to Live By

Myths to Live By

Myths to Live By When you sit with granny, most of the story she tells is from mythology. These stories are short and interesting but what will happen when someone starts compiling and interpreting the stories from all over the world. Normally these kinds of books...