We are talking that the economy ruined us but actually we are the cause for destabilization of the economy. You never understood yourself that you are programmed in school and college to get conditioned to make yourself fit into the society. All ambition in you will lead society to the next stage at the cost of you. We are never balanced with society but society creates and gives you a fake identity and we just follow like mad.
What Cosmetics Company do, They will find a country full of Ugly Duckling make one as Miss world to sell their cosmetics. We are made to believe our beauty lives outside of us and we do by buying their products. How Buddhism made us believe in happiness resides inside of us. The reason was that Buddhism was spreading in poor countries. Hence they all said to search happiness inside of everybody not outside. If they were told to search outside it would go flop coz no one has money to go search outside of them.
All of us are conditioned for the smooth running of the society. You are manipulated to earn more money to spend more money. The countries grow due to velocity of circulation of the money. You never offered money to save but there are more number of instruments available to encourage borrowing and spending. No government encourages you to save and no propaganda for saving.
What should we do to escape from this menace?
We should learn to save and cut down the expenditure and protect ourselves from society. We are pawns to be used and we are mean to the society. These are hidden rules. You have seen some portion of people who live a contented life but we laugh at them later they laugh at us as they are the smartest people on Earth.
Government wants us to earn money and they see everyone to earn and spend an entire amount to see society run. If you keep money with the bank If it goes bankrupt. The bank will be saved by bailout but not people. If you have Gold or Money and there is no safety coz it doesn’t carry registration to make sure that is yours. It is easily looted and transferable. We are made to live in shallow depths by encouraging us in terms of spending like Tourism, Apparels, Cars, Interior decoration for our house, Restaurants..etc. We are trapped in every activity of ours. Our income is directly taxed and also indirectly taxed by way of Excise duty, Sale tax, Entertainment Tax, Road Tax, Toll Tax, Parking Fees.etc
Then What?
To behave smart. We should go along with society and once we start earning and we must invest in low interest government earnings don’t worry about low interest rate coz when it compounds the return will be decent , it is also safe. Living according to your income. No borrowings! No Impulse buying, before buying postpone it for a week and decide whether you want it badly or work it with its resale value in terms of crises.etc.
This guarantees you that you will never break in terms of money! You are never touched by the economy..
You will lead a successful living!
May look like hypocrisy but true…