A Little Book on the Human Shadow
Fantastic book!!You learn how we suppress our behaviour in our invisible bag on our shoulder that goes for a mile and those suppressed will come out in anger and destroy our relationship How a woman invest her hero in husband and how the husband invest the...
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
The world is a stagewe are all actorsHow every human activity was programmed by brain to make as smooth as..Fantastic books I learned how i behave as an audience and an actor.Lovely book an endless treasure..after reading you agree with methat ROBOT cannot...
Right Hand, Left Hand
Some books are above divine!!Why? Author takes the subject religiously, interpret and present genuine fact and make the reader to worship.... One such book is this.It's an interestingly starts, when a doctor open the chest of the dead patient found his...
History Repeating: Why Populists Rise and Governments Fall
Amazing Read!A book about factor influencing behind Revolution, I have read, fiction wrote in the form of poetry but this the first Non-fiction book was written in fiction style He starts with Thailand Politics where a business man becomes a politician now...
Why Grow Up?
Every human will have a thought of..Why I grow up?It's human mind question such? Yes, other animal not bothered about ageing.A fantastic book. The author wrote precisely other wise she would have completed this in few volumes.Peter Pan occupy your thoughts throughput...
The Book of Humans: The Story of How We Became Us
If you think?This one more Boring book on evolution then you will be very much disappointed not reading this bookIt's stuffed with beautiful factsHow birds helps to spread forest fireHow animal is not different from human on forced sex..How animal speak, care and...
Music and the Mind
Some beautiful girls fascinate usSometimes books alsoYou open this book and fall into the lake of musicAuthor has deep understanding about music it includes origin as well as style of every famous musicians You love to learn the origin of music from birds and ends...
The Integral Vision
Exploring meaning of life is a long journey or its so simple if you come to know the simple method of experiencing This book starts like kinder garden school syllabus and relating with this world and Kosmos with "I, We, It"and slowly supply you modules. And an...
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
A wonderful book, he take you to inner journey to understand you.. The voice you hear is not you but the conditioning of the world, he advice us that we live inside the problem and do blame game. We live on moments with our perception and create a story and fall into...