The Murderer, The Monarch and The Fakir
There is always a truth in every action or Reason for behaving. There is no proper definition for good hence it spreads its wings on the evil side also. Anyone who is close to Gandhiji knows it is very difficult to follow him. No one understood him, that may be...
No one learns the art of creation by reading books or attending seminars because it happens inside of us.You can have an idea, but the process of achieving is challenging .Here in this book, the author helps you to understand how the process works and how you should...
The Secret Life of Pronouns
A new way of seeing this world I loved this book because once you read this book, you can understand the thoughts behind the spoken words.You're the word you speak... Right But how do I understand who I am? Just follow your words by recording the conversation in your...
The Hero Within
An awareness will be created about your behavior as soon as you complete this book.There are different archetypes in us. When you stand as a face to your company or family, you're a kingWhen you anticipate disappointment, you're an orphan.When you strongly believe you...
Your Conscious Mind
80 percent of the information was more of refreshing your previous knowledge But still you find the book was interesting because of the presentation. The chapter "Disorder of consciousness" was enlightening. How the machines came closer to the consciousness and...
The Heretics
What makes our reading interesting, far from the writing of an author, is the idea he chose to write.The author selected the rare topic called Heretics.It starts from the people who believe in UFOs even though there is no proof to be established but their explanation...
நவீனத் தமிழிலக்கிய அறிமுகம்
I always felt small when I started reading Tamil literature because it always sent me back a few times to equip myself to re-enter to resume again. Again and again I was disappointed on every attempt andknowingly I should give special attention. After a few years of...
இந்து ஞான மரபில் ஆறு தரிசனங்கள்
What should a good book do? It must lead us to learn some more on the topic through search. This book has led me to read robustic book named 'Religion and Society' by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. Which gave me immense pleasure to understand the concept behind the...
Creators on Creating
Why is this world beautiful?Because it has people who think differently, especially when it comes to creativity. We always read books on creativity which help-us by telling what are the tools required to be creative but here it was full of essays written by every...