Blue Print

Everyone carries a blueprint, it is more like a structure of you. It tells how you allow others and how you fit in this world.
Every environment you encounter has a structure. Hence if you want to be present yourself, you require your structure and adjust accordingly with the environment structure in order to survive and taste success.

The Blueprint developed by you with the help of your parents, education, peers, relatives and society.
If you watch any female child. She prepares a blueprint according to her dad. She allows her dad to influence in the preparation of her blueprint. She believes her dad and no one take care more than her dad, her blueprint mostly of her dad. And if you see the son is even worse he never carries any blueprint coz his mom would have done for him. You never find any blueprint and he totally depended on his mother. Hence the wife who comes into the family finds it difficult in understanding him.

Why we always prefer the best college for children. It is because the best colleges help the children to formulate a good blueprint. The college equip their candidate to carry the best balanced blueprint, hence he can fit into any company and society. The company prefers to take candidates from the reputed college because the candidates are properly groomed to take over the responsibility and show utmost loyalty.

You are nothing but a blueprint of combined friends. Your friend influences your blueprint towards society. Good friends take you to formulate a nice blueprint. hence you all sail smoothly inside the structure of the society. The bad friend will take you to abuse and it destroys your blueprint hence you will not be able to fit into the society and end in prison.

Your relatives teach you how to accomodate people in your house. How they treat you is a lesson to be learned to treat others in yours. If you give too much freedom for the guest they turn your blueprint upside down and erase the stability in you. And finally you end up on the road and depend on government doles for your survival.

Your society teaches you from the beginning, if you have enough resources then you are respected. If you earn more money and spend more. Then, you are one they looking for the development of the society. The society treats you with a Red Carpet.

The blueprint is the layout. You come to know where you stand and how you want others to stand in your structure. Your blueprint will dictate how much power you execute in family, office, friends, relatives, society.. The well drafted blueprint will help you to survive even in crises and stay away from any man made disasterous. 

Your blueprint is you against the whole world.
Draft the blueprint by examining all experiences you had and
you are sure for the man of success.
