Alternate feet on the road,
“Don’t ride a bicycle, you don’t fall off”
Yes, learning to ride a bicycle brings you scars and wounds but will be remembered in the old days as medals. People who learn bicycles in a hard way, are less prone to bike accidents. In today’s world, there are so many bike accidents because today children never fall while learning because every bicycle for children comes with an additional small wheel on both sides for balance. They never learn the secret of falling and the consciousness of balance.
Bicycles are very helpful to lovers. You can arrest your girlfriend between your hands and carry her safe with much coziness. Sometimes the tyre punctured on your bicycle gives an immersing relaxation time to get back to the nostalgic thoughts and bring you consciousness of how much we depended on these wheels.
The beauty of falling while learning gives you immense awareness of the consciousness of the road.. The sound of falling from the bicycle more like a giggle and people seeing us also giggle first, before coming to help.
I have seen girl children always help their father in cleaning the bicycle, a display of love to her dad. Bicycles are considered as a member of the family.
A lesson to be learned from learning Bicycling was… we should all learn at a young age. Suppose, if you felt shy at young age or afraid of falling. After becoming an adult, the necessity of a learning bicycle in order to ride a bike will give you immense shame.