To believe you don’t need proof!
The religion falls under belief and you believe in the concept of religions in order to stay in the group. If you’re not believing then you are believing in yourself rather than the practise of religion.
The belief is the root of society. You never find society as an individual but you have to believe the collective of individuals is society. There should be belief in believing in the entire functioning of the society. When the belief disappears then the belief in society also disappears. To believe, the mind has to be there, No mind No belief. The mind is conditioned to fall into belief. Going to Church,Temple are the ways to believe God can be met in such places. Praying at home is enough but you need to come to the temple/church to confirm yourself that you are still in collective unconscious.
The Cult are nothing but collective unconsciousness. You do certain acts in order to believe that you are part of the cult even though you know you never wanted to do it. If someone says, “he believes in you and whatever you say” then he is actually not believing you. His belief is born out of his mind to socialize with you in order to stay inside the society otherwise he won’t be saying that he is believing you.
You are not believing something in the beginning, the one which cannot be proved. Then…
There will be no understanding, but only belief. When belief is there then there is no explanation.
When there is no explanation, you find something is complete in you. The complete is without the association of complete.
Then What?
You use the word believing even though not believing!!