
Balancing means you are in a constant struggle to gain gravity,
The struggle gives to you life…

When people say, you are not a balanced man because you never take risks. Balancing is nothing but risk, is more like walking on a tightrope and you may fall either side. The art of balancing in you is life and people see you full of life.
When you’re not in balance, the world ignores you because there in nolife in your life.

Why is cycling beautiful? coz you’re at risk of falling anytime and maintaining the balance look you’re controlling your life. When you see people who are balanced they emit one kind of vibration and make their life look beautiful to us. We love a balanced man because he was always balancing his risk not falling into crises.

Why are you charged excess luggage in the airport? The plane has to be balanced with passengers and luggage in order to fly safely. Too much luggage can bring imbalance and create a headache for aircraft operators. The common notion of balance means comfortable but it is not.
You need to balance not to fall and not falling throughout your walk of life makes you special.

Hence balance means he learned the art of taking risks without falling…