Myth Of Being Rich

Myth Of Being Rich

Myth Of Being Rich What is the meaning of Rich? Is it having an eighteen floor house and sleeping on one floor, in one bedroom and that too in half of the bed, leaving the rest of the floor unoccupied and telling the world that I can waste space or money at will. Or...
Finite and Infinite Games

Finite and Infinite Games

Finite and Infinite Games The book is more of a spiritual explanation in the common language through finite and infinite games. We all know the world is ‘Maya’ but the world is not ‘Maya’, the society inside the world is Maya. The author...
Trouble in Paradise

Trouble in Paradise

Trouble in Paradise It’s more of a political commentary but with a lot of unique interpretations of the present problem of capitalism. He covers almost all the global crises and explains the truth behind such crises. No one can interpret like Zizek because he...
Lovely Women’s

Lovely Women’s

Lovely Women’s The whole beauty of love is not in finding a pair but only in trying to understand the women.  Love is a mask to understand the woman we love. The process is so long and challenging that it makes challenging men get engaged.  The woman you love...
False Economy

False Economy

False Economy What happens when you find a few books of nectar in one book. The book is full of facts which altered my perception and answered a lot of questions, which was suppressed inside me because everyone knows the same hypocrisy answer hence it is very...