We have been selected from another planet to visit the current planet some millions of years ago with the condition that we may not be allowed to come back to our mother planet. What made us choose such an adventure coz maybe we are all absent in the eyes of others and for some of them it is still continuing on this planet.
When my colleague told me I was absent for the meeting, I understood my absence was nothing but a kind of present there. I am absent because I was somewhere present. This presence of myn in my home and absence of me in the meeting is the same experience for me. That’s why I want to check whether they felt my absence physically even though I was present in the meeting in the name of absence. We chose a certain absence voluntarily to check whether we are alive on this earth or forgotten as dead.
Once we chose to arrive in this universe on condition we cannot go back but some people in our team were really missing our mother universe hence they prayed to the sky and cried for their forefather to return and take us back. We are told we go on multiplying and there is an amount of time where we will change our bodies in the name of death. That’s the reason, the death of other person never bothers us and we just move on to live our life.
We still feel we are absent in the society and fed up to take the route of becoming invisible by taking drugs and alcohol.When I see such a person there are nothing but people who travel with me from another universe and they are repenting why they chose such an adventure. To make them invisible by attracting them to drugs. we are always absent and society is one way to feel that we are part of it and it is not true…